The technologies that I'm skilled in working with & the tools that I've used in my previous projects.
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Frontend Technologies
I have an extensive experience with Javascript, building Interactive Websites & applications with sufficent knowledge of jQuery, ECMA 2015, ES6 features & modern tooling such as Node, Webpack, Babel as well as the NPM package manager.
I am accomplished in using HTML & CSS to create User-Friendly Responsive Pages focused on accessibility, performance & engaging design. I have practical knowledge of HTML5, SASS preprocessor and CSS3 features such as Flexbox, Grid. I also have a beginner level knowledge about CSS animations & transitions, which you can witness in this portfolio site.
React & Redux.
I have 7 Months experience with React, building web applications and reusable components. I've used Redux for client-side state management and created medium sized Single Page applications. I am also skilled in utilizing React Router & React Testing Library.
Bootstrap & Semantic UI.
I am capable of leveraging CSS Frameworks & UI Component Libraries such as Bootstrap & Semantic UI for faster development of responsive mobile-first web apps.
I have experience of creating headless front-ends, and working with the JAMstack. This website is built with Gatsby a static site framework based on React.
Data Visualization.
I have beginner level knowledge of using d3.js for Data Visualization. You can explore my VizHub Profile & my Codepen Collection to see my Data Visualization Projects.
Backend Technologies
I am proficient in using Python Language, creating backend for web applications using Flask/Django, using os & sys modules for automating regular tasks on my linux system, interacting with filesystem using python.
Flask & Django.
I am skilled in creating Multi-Page Web Applications & ReST APIs using Flask or Django, creating class based data models using SQLAlchemy or DjangoORM, or using NoSQL Database such as MongoDb, working with Forms, File Uploads & Auth models both custom made & Open Standards such as OAuth, using WebSockets for apps requiring reliable connection and using Templating Engines such as Django Templating Engine & Jinja2.
MySQL & MongoDB.
I have beginner level experience with SQL, writing queries, using simple joints, etc. and using MySQL as relational database. I am also skilled in using MongoDB, performing different CRUD operations & writing advanced queries making use of filters & projections.
I prefer using Contentful CMS for managing content for my various static frontend websites such as my blog.
Firebase & Firestore.
I have used Firestore & other Firebase features such as authentication, uploads, etc. for creating & deploying simple Serverless applications.
DevOps & Deployment Tools
Git & GitHub.
I am efficient in using Git concepts such as branching, merging rebasing for version control. I am also familiar with GitHub workflow and features like project management, actions, etc.
I have beginner level knowledge about using docker for building & managing linux containers, deploying isolated applications, creating, reusing & sharing custom container images, and configuring containers to access local network.
Heroku, Netlify & PythonAnywhere.
PythonAnywhere & Heroku are my primary choice for deploying Backend Server Applications based on Python such as. Flask or Django Apps & ReST APIs. I prefer using Netlify for deploying Frontend Applications. I love Netlify's support for JAMStack & it's continuous integration & continuous deployment with Github Repo features. This porfolio site is deployed on Netlify.
Operating Systems
Linux is my preferred Operating System and I'm a fan of the Do It Yourself philosophy. I have been using linux for 5+ years. I have worked on both debian & redhat based distros. Fedora is my favorite distro. I am well versed with basics of system administration, working with CLI, vim editor, grep, regex, cryptography, disk management, creating and managing users, groups, etc, configuring SELinux policies, file permissions, mail server, web server etc.